Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Office

No...not THAT office. My office. You know, the one I've been laying awake at night thinking of the walls, floors, ceiling, and organizational bliss that will happen in the next few months. Due to the table project just finished, the boxes have been stowed in the storage room downstairs which frees up the room for some progress towards being functional. This morning while thinking about my plan of attack, I think I've realized that the butterflies in my tummy might have to be safely stowed away along with the office supplies.

The dilemma....When we got this house we soon realized there were a few problems that needed serious attention. One of these issues was in the office. The roof line meets the rock facing on the outside of the house and has not been properly flashed or something. The result is the constant flow of water going behind the rocks and into the wall. We noticed the bulging floor boards and watermarks on the flooring and decided to open up the wall and see what is really going on. The wood behind the wall is black with rot and in some places you can poke your finger right through to the base of the rock wall outside. SOOO I have a torn up wall which needs to stay open until spring when we can properly fix the roof line and repair the damage. If I'm smart (which I am...almost) I will wait until the wall issue is all fixed, repair the wall, refinish the walls, (the texture and shmeared on glaze the previous owners had is just's just not!) repair and refinish the baseboards and trim and then proceed with installing my stained crete overlay floor (I'm flat out giddy about that part of the project!!)

Loong story short, I think I've got to hoan in on my amazing ability to be patient and wait for spring....sigh. This is Utah, no telling when spring will come. In the mean time I will gather ideas on how I want to finish the office and what direction I want to go. Any suggestions? I'm pretty confident in the direction I want to go, but always open to new ideas! Do I go right and cheery, or rustic. Do I keep it simple and clean, or warm and cozy..... Picts are below showing the beautiful state it is currently in. Notice my office chair, anxiously awaiting the company of other office friends. Poor chair, all lonely like that. One thing to consider in the design is a beautiful big oak roll top desk waiting at my in laws for me to pick up. Somehow need to fit that into the design. Maybe a refinish might do the trick.

Ok. So I guess that's it. I wait. Lucky for me I have plenty to do to keep me busy! Off to make some carrara marble samples along with a twist on the popular black ice. I've also got something up my sleeve involving a little smoke and mirrors....

                                                                  The hole in the wall.
                                           View from the double french doors. Had to hang the canvas
                                        somewhere and the nail in the wall worked just fine.
                                          Bare wood subfloor
                                                              The "Finish" on the wall now....      
                                                 Got some fun ideas with this great molding!!

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